Tiago Mestre Portugal, b. 1978

Graduated in architecture, Tiago Mestre's work is directly linked to the spatiality and sculptural aspects of art. Overall, he uses sculpture and installation in order to establish dialogues between space and object, and  even though paintings are not the main support of his work as a whole, they present themselves as a champ-contrechamp approach that nourishes his research. Painting - like drawing - occupies a less programmatic and more playful place, a negotiation tool that allows the exercise of both artistic thought and practice. 


According to the curator Kiki Mazzucchelli There is a certain self-deprecating humor in his works that reveals a kind of skepticism about the critical reach of artistic practise, since the latter normally operates within crowds even more elitist than architecture, whose public face is much more noticeable in our daily lives. Instead of an assertiveness of intentions, Mestre prefers to cultivate a polyphonic and dynamic situation, in which the viewer is constantly led to inquire about what he sees, without ever finding a definitive answer. ”