Unlimited: Art Basel 2024

June 10 - 16, 2024 

Gomide&Co, in collaboration with Vermelho, is proud to present, at the Art Basel Unlimited 2024, the emblematic series Marcados (Marked, 1981–83/2006), by Claudia Andujar (Neuchatêl, Switzerland, 1931).


One of the artist’s career highlights, the series that will be featured at Unlimited 2024 is made up of 87 photo portraits subdivided into 14 sets, parts of which have been shown extensively in Brazil and elsewhere. However, it has been featured in its entirety in only a few occasions, including at the 27th Bienal de São Paulo (2006), five other times throughout Brazil, and only twice abroad (Claudia Andujar: Marcados, Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires – MALBA, Buenos Aires, 2016, and Claudia Andujar: Tomorrow Must Not Be Like Yesterday, Museum für Moderne Kunst – MMK, Frankfurt, 2017). Apart from a being rare opportunity to experience the entire set like the one presented in the Bienal de São Paulo, this will be the first showing of the series in Switzerland, the artist’s native country.


Regarded as a powerful testimony to the poor conditions that the Yanomami lived in (and still do), the series was shown for the first time at the 27th Bienal de São Paulo (2006), curated by Lisette Lagnado, and eventually acquired by The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York. It took the collection that is now providing the full series to be featured at Unlimited 2024 over ten years to piece together the complete set as conceived by the artist following the first exhibition. Claudia Andujar is currently taking part in the 60th La Biennale di Venezia, curated by Adriano Pedrosa.