Megumi Yuasa

August 22 - November 1, 2024

Gomide&Co is pleased to announce the first solo show by Megumi Yuasa (São Paulo, 1938) at the gallery, which opens on August 22nd at 6 pm. The exhibition has its project conceived by the partnership between the artist Alexandre da Cunha, the architect Jaqueline Lessa (entre terras), and the researcher Rachel Hoshino, who also signs the critical essay. Having not exhibited individually since 1998, the artist will present at Gomide&Co an exhibition that combines works made since the end of the 1970s with some previously unseen works made in 2024.


Throughout his artistic production, Megumi has built up a language of his own, shaping sculptures that combine a variety of elements, such as clay, metals, filing, and oxides. A master in his field, the artist emphasizes the ceramists’ communion with the earth, arguing that everything around a work is part of it and will accompany it to infinity. It is precisely this dialogical relationship, always imbued with the artist’s philosophical and political discourse, that structures much of his works.


His imagined landscapes, including trees, clouds, seeds, and his so-called espássaros, will now compose the gallery’s exhibition space, taking on familiar and at the same time improbable forms, based on a unique exhibition design that presents his works without hierarchies. Having held his first exhibitions at the end of the 1960s, the artist arrives for this occasion with more than half a century of experience as a key figure in Brazilian sculpture. In view of his visual repertoire, it is also possible to perceive the breadth of his poetics, which crosses languages and constitutes his interdisciplinary discourse.