Maria Lira

Luciara Ribeiro, Yasmin Abdalla, Marina Dias Teixeira, 2024
Publisher: Gomide&Co / Act..

ISBN: 978 65 981012 2 0

Dimensions: 25 x 18,5 x 2,5

Pages: 272

Organized by curator Rodrigo Moura, Maria Lira is a publication dedicated to the 50-year career of the artist from the Vale do Jequitinhonha, who incorporates elements of popular tradition into her aesthetics and practice.


The journey is presented through a body of work—including drawings, paintings, and ceramic objects—as well as essays by Rodrigo Moura and researcher and curator Luciara Ribeiro. The book also includes historical images recorded by Frei Chico, an important figure in Maria Lira's life, a complete chronology, and statements by the artist originally published in 1983.